Friday, June 24, 2011

Selepas Isyak...

dibawah buruj malam dia duduk,

matanya memandang jauh ke laut hitam,

yang penghujungnya halimunan

dia diam keseorangan.

manusia berjalan melepasinya,

leka tidak menyedarinya,

dia tidak kisah, kebiasaan... syaitan mula tugasnya lepas isyak

sebagai peronda pantai, menyesatkan anak adam dan hawa...

jadikan mereka kader neraka...lantak merekalah

tak kira agama, mereka telah diamarkan ..

dia tidak endah, mindanya rakus memikir...

sengsara hatinya pabila rindu tidak dijawab.

memoria alkisah lampau hantuinya,

dia perlukan anjakan paradigma minda?

atau rindunya dijawab?

yang terkemudian tampak mustahil...

dia bangun dan pergi,

tiada kesan kehadirannya,

kecuali pasir pantai yang lembap...

Friday, May 6, 2011

Action.. Intention...

Good... Bad, Yin...Yang, They're both the opposite of each other

Good represents something positive, while bad represents something well... Bad and negative... You get the bloody idea. But how do we justify things as good or bad? ... How do we categorize something as good or bad. A man stealing from a shop. Thats bad. But A man stealing from a shop to feed a family. Is that bad... ? Robin Hood, Is he bad? .... Does bad actions done in good intentions is a bad thing? ... Or does good actions done in a bad intention a good thing? ... Lying to someone to protect them.. Is that bad? ... or telling the truth and starting a war... An indian parent tells their girls that talking to an older guy is bad? ... Is it? ... They are lying to the kid to protect them... Is that bad? ...If a guy hides something from his family, to protect them, to keep things safe, and happy... Is it wrong? ...

My dad used to tell me that there will be a time where you will be able to differentiate whats good and whats bad, but now, what I see is that good and bad are things that vary in each human, in each boy and girl, men and women. There are different versions of everything, and sometimes its stupid to think at all angles.
Someone who used to be the closest person to me once said that actions speak louder than words, and that your version of the truth and my version of the truth are different. She was right. Its the way people see things, If you see the front of a book, you see only the front cover. If you see a book from its back, you only see its back cover. Think steady, Read the book, Think from all angles. In a situation, think about the reason of the other parties' act. You see from all angles, you consider every perception, then you get the full picture. and YES!, action speaks louder than words, action speaks louder than feelings, action speaks louder than intentions. Robin Hood stole, but how would the other party would know why he did it? ...No matter how good your intentions are, no matter how noble that may be, Sometimes the world just considers the actions you've done, at that point, who considers your intentions, your feelings... Who?

Are we good? Are we bad? ....

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Calculus Test

Bayu hawa mekanikal membeku,

Namun badan terasa suam,

Tekanan tinggi dirasa... bukan tekanan atmosferik,

jasad bukan seorang, mengejar menyelesaikan teka-teki matematikal,

mengejar masa berdetik pantas malar,

60 menunduk ke bawah,

60 menulis,

Ada minda tersenyum, ada minda meraung geram, ada minda putus asa,

ekspresi minda terpahat di wajah.

Buzer berdering sesaat, entah jam tangan anak siapa.

pensyarah bangun .....

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


20 years ago at this date, a young couple were united under a holy matrimony... A couple who had their own shared hopes and dreams ... Hopes and dreams which are to be fulfilled under my responsibility... and I will ...

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Hari ini memang berani ku kata bahawa ku punya ramai kawan. Sejak juvenil dan sebelumnya, ku bisa bergaul tanpa mengira perbezaan dari hampir semua segi. Ku fikir banyak boleh ku belajar dari minda mereka, dari tindakan positif dan negatif mereka. Ku jadikan teladan dan pengajaran, dan juga sesetengahnya amaran. Ku kenal ramai... pelbagai identiti, seorang satu identiti, ada yang pelbagai identiti dalam satu jasad, ada yang hanya bertopeng... dipakai di luaran, belang sebenarnya disembunyikan.
Ku lihat peribadi mereka... ku sedar, ku tidak punya identiti...
Ku selami diri, ku jumpa ilmu... ku jumpa semangat... ku jumpa impian... ku jumpa kasih ... ku jumpa cinta... ku jumpa kemarahan.. ku jumpa kesedihan.. ku jumpa pelbagai

tapi kini... diluaran... banyak peribadi lenyap... impian lenyap... semangat lenyap... semua lenyap... ku jumpa sisa-sisa cinta... ku jumpa sisa-sisa kasih familial, ku jumpa ilmu... ku jumpa tanggungjawab...

Ku mahu identiti kunoku pulih... ku mahu segalanya kembali..