Wednesday, April 22, 2009


halo.... tujuan aku post blog awal2 pagi buta ni utk maklumkan korang yg salah satu kawan baik aku nak belar dari SMART ni dah....
i wont say her name..... she might want this issue to be confidential.... but i will add it in once i've received confirmation....
i honestly gonna miss her so badly..... and her JAY CHOU....

BTW, esok hari runding cara....aku tak nak parents aku datang.....
sebenarnya aku ak cite pown kat diorang yg esok ade...tapi ... SMS SEKOLAH yang terlampau sadis tu dah hantar sms kat ayah aku ...

so basically, kalo ari isnin aku tak datang sekolah .... percayalah bahawa aku mungkin dah meninggalkan dunia yang fana ini.... please come to my funeral.... huhu.... :p

so bye.....nak gi sekolah dah ni...

Friday, April 17, 2009

MInggu Pelik


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Moral Folio

Alamak ... folio aku tak siap lagi!!!!!
bodoh betol la.....
ni gambar kitaorang

so.. gotta go do it...ASAP....


Ade satu pertandingan tu....

Nama nya Choral speaking....
Tahun lepas SMART dpt no 3..... perempuan belaka sedih ...
SABS dapat no 1..... adikku and his geng masuk + qian wen

tapi tahun ni...
sehari sblm cuti...
tiba2 pn wong bee bee heret org form1 and form2 and form4 masuk....
Miss Mengada pown masuk..... Malangnya adikku pown masuk.... kacau line jer...
so waktu cuti pun ade training... aku guna alasan nak jumpe adikku tapi sebaliknya aku borak ngan miss mengada...
lepas cuti... seminggu takde training...
minggu lepas... diorang training maut....setiap hari stayback.... ade jugak la kadang2 aku gi jengok2.. saje nak jumpe miss mengada and kacau kash and her geng and borak wid the guys...
but benda yg aku tak puas hati.... ialah
bila diorang training kat Dewan Al-Falah.... budak2 lelaki yg tak matang ni .... selalu gi backstage....
masalahnye... SIR CHAN yg amat baik kadang2 dah gi letak benda2 tajam yg pelik dan berbahaya.... kalau terpijak.... kalo kena muka.... gone la....
pastu budak2 ni tak pernah perasan.... cikgu susun meja kat atas backstage tu dah lebih 5 thn .... tapi papan yg support lebih kurang 180 meja besi tu lebih kurang 2 inci jer...... damn nipis... kalo jatuh ..... confirm mati .... kalo dinesh mati... takpe la...
so, aku pown nasihat la kasya suroh bagitau diorang... jangan buat ape2...
tpi diorang tak dnegar... akhirnya.... aku pun ambik tali dan ikat pintu gril backstage.... pastikan binatang2 tu tak masuk....

anyways... they managed to get 3rd placing in the competition... Alor akar won number one... (my cousin won !!!)
but there are a few ppl who i notice to be excellent and willing to waste time and get malu to help the helpless monkeys ...
1. kasya.... always menjerit, melalak, to get things in order...
2. Sandhya.... always giving her opinion make things better...

this 2 ppl are the paling menonjol sekali .... mabey got summore ppl.... jgn marah if i never insert ur names...

finally.....SMART was able to put on a good show.... but they could do better with more disclipline and time ...

Friday, April 3, 2009

Coretan Mingguan......

dis week was an average one.....

tuesday.... bosan...
wednesday....worried + rindu....
thursday..... the saddest day in my life so far...
friday.... today la.....

results..... everyday i worry bout dis .....
BM 82... my best in 2 years.....
BI 78.... i love miss kong.... improved....
Sejarah....80.... i was shivering when taking the results.... dahlah cikgu tu kawan ayah aku.... thanks Miss mengada 4 nasihating me .... aku insaf..
modern Maths...90.. tribute to Cikgu Azora.... always nvr enter her class...
Phy.... 70.... maintain final year....
Chem... 63 ... loads of silly mistake..... shit!!!
BIo .... 65 .... actually i was proud i passed this one... i didnt read a thing!
Moral.... 61... my worst downfall ever.... last year got 92... damn sad....

anyways .... afiq wasnt here dis week ... sum camp.... firous... nasyid... amalen debate... actually.... this week was quite boring ... but the best thing.... aku dah rapat ngan budak laki moral form 5 again ... mabey coz amalen takde.... aku lepak wid kevin all the time .... nice aso lepak wid that fellow... lagi aku dah rapat ngan stephen and suresh... and it seems that in the absence of amalen .. i feel like i was in form 2 again ....

wednesday.... i get to train a group 4 school comp.... i dunno wat to say...
chew yee tak pilih utk aku ... neda maran and luveen are useless.... but lucky... chow and chuah saved my ass, at least got 2 state comp ppl in my group...

thursday,,,, the saddest day in my life.... only one person never layan me... i felt like i've worth nothing..... i was damn sad... wanted to cry....

Friday.... dad came to skool .... saw cikgu ct zaleha...
she said that .... i'm very good student ... but always bc.... alot teacher report... and i never sleep in class.... and i must do alot latihan ... at home i kena lecture nicely.... luckily my dad didnt saw Miss Mengada..... he wanted to actually... i didnt let...

anyways..... Sandhya won Public Speaking..... even my ttn teacher was talking bout her...... i dunno y i felt kinda proud.... ...

demikianla laporan mingguan hamba....